My Body Didn't Get the Memo
My Body Didn’t Get the Memo
March proved to be a tough month for me. It actually started at the end of February. I was having some bad stomach pain that was the result of something that I was eating. Over the next several weeks, I saw a couple of doctors without coming to any conclusions. What really frustrated me is the impact on my workout routines and the frustration building up enough to impact other areas of my life. This blog also suffered, hence, the reason this is the first time in over a month I have posted. I had a level of feeling frozen or paralyzed from getting anything done. Then, at the end of March I contracted the B strain of the Flu. I ended up in the emergency room due to an extremely high temperature. While in the hospital they did chest x-rays and a stomach ultrasound. The doctor was able to figure out that I have GERD, which is what caused all my stomach issues. The number one thing I have to give up is caffeine. Now my stomach has been much better, and I am recovered from the flu.
Not sure that my body realizes I have a plan and goals to meet. This last month I felt like my body was failing me. I have been working so hard on my fitness goals and the one thing that I would think would respond to the daily exercise and mostly good eating would be my body. It seems it did not get the memo. I felt like I had given up on myself. I know there were times I could get to the gym, and I just chose not to. I allowed my body to dictate my choice. There are times when we need to listen to our body. For the most part, I feel like I did that. But there were still times I could have pushed myself a bit to do something. Even going for a walk would have been good. It can be so easy to allow our circumstance to dictate our success or lack of.
I finally stepped back into the gym a week ago, and man did it feel so good. Don’t get me wrong, it was a grind. While I was sick I lost 9 lbs, which is not a diet I recommend using. Being at the gym felt great, even if I felt weaker and the weights felt like twice the weight. What really felt great was the community that I had built at the gym. I walked in the door and multiple people asked how I was doing and where I had been. That in and of itself was so motivating. Nothing like a little community to lift your spirits. Prior to getting the flu, I stayed with my closest friend and his wife. I consider them to be family. My friend's wife is on her own fitness journey. We had a great conversation about all the things she has had to do to get results. Not just diet or exercise, but she also had some challenges hormonally that she was not aware were impacting her progress. I loved seeing her committed to her goal. She is a busy mom, and has committed fully to her fitness goals. One night it was almost 8pm and she had just finished putting her daughter to bed. She came out and immediately went in to get her Peloton workout in. I was so motivated by her dedication to be healthy.
It has felt great to be back in the gym again and on that grind. Waking up at 4 am was not easy and it took about a week for me to reset. This week I am starting the second phase of 75 Hard. I am looking forward to blogging my progress and what my routine is like. But for now, make sure that when things are tough your body gets the memo. If you need rest, take it. If you need to get off your tush and get to work, get after it. Just make sure you get your body aligned with your mind.
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