The Mirror
The Mirror 15 years ago I was in a small men's group at my church. We were all talking about the challenges we were facing as men from the previous week. I don’t remember what I was speaking about other than it was revolving around shame and low self-esteem. I do remember one of the older men in the group saying something to me that has stuck with me to this day. He said to me, “you need to get to a point where you can stand in front of the mirror naked and look at yourself, but not just look at yourself. Look at yourself in the eyes. When you can do that, then you will know you are ok with being who you are.” A couple of days later I tried, and I could not do it. I did not like the man I was, how I looked, and how I was living. I could look into my own eyes and know that every situation I was in was because of my choices in life. That is the power of the mirror. When I looked directly into the mirror, I could not hide from anything. People spend all kinds of time in front o...