Pain is not the Problem!
Pain is not the problem I sometimes ask myself what would happen if I got some kind of chronic sickness like cancer or had some kind of life altering injury like amputation. How would I respond to it? Would I be a fighter or would I sit back and just give up on all the things I love? In November I started 75 hard again. It is no longer a challenge to me but a routine that I love. I love the check off process on the app. Went on vacation in Whistler BC, and continued to crush my routine. I was down five pounds and progress was going great. Here is how I looked from day one to day 22. Hard to believe that three weeks can really have this much impact when a person puts in the work. On day 22, I went for a climbing workout at the rock climbing gym. I was on a first attempt on a bouldering route that my hand slipped off of and it flung me in a way that caused me to land awkwardly. My foot was caught up in the landing mat. The result was an avulsion fracture and stabil...